Out of the Swamp

Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a thick layer of bacteria that grows on still water. It sets up camp and colonizes, sucking the vitality from its host environment. Most people are able to encounter this microscopic predator without much trouble, but it can prove deadly for those with cystic fibrosis.

I have been a body of still water for four years now. And the situation has become toxic.

Back in January 2020, three months into pregnancy, my husband and I received the call that would change us forever—we were having a girl, and she would suffer from a rare progressive disease with no cure. Just as the pandemic hit, losses mounted quickly: first the dream of normal motherhood, then connection and community, then sleep, then a sense of self, then my grip on truth. Every true and beautiful thought disappeared into a shame-ridden echo chamber. Emotions turned from shades of pastel to a deep, churning black. My soul hunkered down and shriveled up while my poor body bore the stress of it all. Even now, sweet Pip and I spend months on end at home (except for her many medical appointments), away from germs. This is how I’ve been. 2020 never ended for me.

What’s interesting/horrific about pseudomonas aeruginosa is that it is naturally resistant to antibiotics. As advanced as the latest medical options are, our drugs can’t touch it without potentially causing significant damage. 

And, oh, how I have tried stirring up my own water and curing my own problem. Retreats! Counseling! Online classes! Books! Doctor visits! Habit trackers! I threw my best efforts at demolishing this particular issue, only to find human means inadequate. The infection had set in; desperation turned to hopelessness as each attempt fell short.

Okay, whispered my exhausted self into the void, then what? 

Then, maybe, whispered back a new—but ancient—Voice, lift up your eyes. You are not your solution. I am.

As it turns out, those final two words have a way of shattering darkness.

And everything that has languished in stagnant shadows erupts into light. 

Thus begins a season of purification. God is stirring the waters, hovering over them as He did back when they were new. I’m eager for Him to move and make me new so that I become a spring of life instead of a fatal bog. And even that is dreaming too small. According to Jesus in John 7:38,

Whoever believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.’

I love (and am infuriated by) the fact that He doesn’t opt to just start over with a sparkling clean body of water. Poof! Wouldn’t that be lovely? Long recovery, not a flawless history, is His agenda. The part of me that yearns for perfection will have to wait; heaven is coming, and it will be glorious. Until then, home is here, in the mud, with a God who loves to dig deep rivers in the unlikeliest of places.

14 thoughts on “Out of the Swamp

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  1. Beautifully and authenticity written about how our soul longs for the simplicity and joy found in the infancy of and wonderful transition in our new lives as Sons and Daughters of Christ as we traverse the trials and tribulations found here on earth.

    By revisiting the wonders of God’s promises to us of everlasting life in union with Him and with those whom he intimately wove into our life’s here on earth we become recommitted to our earthly mission to those friends, family members, and all who we come in contact with along our walk of sharing the Good News of Salvation and God’s perfect plan of equipping us through His Grace to shine His love even through those trials and tribulations.

    God Bless you, Pippa, and Riley !


  2. So true, it is not a poof! Because of His infinite wisdom He has us walk through recovery and do the hard work. Based on my experience once I realized I had to walk through the poop, something did come with a poof! And that was the peace that I felt knowing I was in Good Hands. I just so wish I remembered it every time I was walking through something! I love Him so much. He does remind me….

    I love your description of what heaven will be like 💕.


  3. Kassie that was real and beautifully written.

    1 Timothy 6:6 But godliness with contentment is great gain.
    This verse has been a help to me this week, for the season I’m going through.
    God’s steadfast love gets us through! Love you Kassie ❤️


  4. Kassie, reading this was like a window into your soul. I felt your pain, your anguish, your worry your hopelessness. But then I felt your strength, your faith and your trust in the one who loves us most JESUS! Thank you Kassie, for I know that a lot of what you do for our church family goes unnoticed. But Riley couldn’t do what he does without a strong God fearing woman by his side! We love and appreciate your sacrifices. ❤️🙏🏼


  5. Kassie,

    Thank you for your transparency in the struggle. He is faithful in the midst of remembering we are dust. He is gracious, merciful and always our hope. Oh, that we walk in His strength.



  6. we are all surrounded by swamps (and down here) all kinds of things that want to eat you. God gives us the strength to swim above the water, fearless with armor, and guidance to stay clear. Be well, Kassie


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