She’s Pushed

"We are the women who want what God wants—more than we are afraid of it." (Ann Voskamp) Once upon a time, a girl sat at the bottom of a mountain in a shopping cart. She couldn't get out, and there was no one else around for miles. Knowing she just had to reach the peak... Continue Reading →

Brave Words

"Say what you wanna say / And let the words fall out / Honestly I wanna see you be brave." (Sara Bareilles, 'Brave') You get a text asking if you're interested in taking on a big assignment. Or your old nemesis from high school (totally a thing) sends you a friend request. Or God confronts... Continue Reading →

Brave Second Chances

I wobbled to my feet, dazed, and wiped the blood from my nose. That's one heck of a right cross. I'd just been knocked out by a forgotten resolution with a vendetta. Before I even realized I was in the ring, I was on my back. In case you're worried, this situation played out in... Continue Reading →

Playing Dress-Up

The sage-colored plastic lid lifts off the barrel to reveal bundles of lace, sequined leotards, creamy evening gowns, and fluffy blue tutus. Costume jewelry swims at the bottom of it all, along with a few purses and gloves. My six-year-old self runs for the makeup set and applies what I imagine to be the perfect... Continue Reading →

Year of Brave

Try your best to remember the first moment you moved from the shallow part of the pool into the deep end unassisted. When all you've felt is the solid ground beneath your feet, the feeling of complete weightlessness can be unnerving. Sure, that same solid ground is under there somewhere, but it's farther away than... Continue Reading →

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