Restful Lyrics

Remember Baloo’s counsel to young Mowgli in the middle of ‘The Bare Necessities’?

“So just try and relax. Fall apart in my backyard. Cool it. Let me tell you something, little britches, if you act like that bee acts, uh-uh—you’re working too hard. And don’t spend your time looking around for something you want that can’t be found.”

When infused with the powerful whisper of the Holy Spirit, that bearish wisdom will hit a go-getter right between the eyes. How much of my life have I buzzed around from activity to activity, not trusting my Father to provide for me? And how often have I grasped at control that was never meant to be mine in the first place?

While I’ve made sabbath a habit outwardly, there are so many times during the week I need a brief emotional pause, a chance to rest in stillness so that my behavior realigns with what’s true. Without these quick stops throughout the day, a sense of rush-filled anxiety begins to mount. What helps in moments like these? Glad you asked.

Music, of course. Here are a few go-to songs that prompt my bee-like heart to settle back down into contented dependence, that fountain of endless peace available to every believer:

  • Still, My Soul, Be Still (Keith and Kristyn Getty)

God, You are my God,
And I will trust in You and not be shaken.
Lord of peace, renew
A steadfast spirit within me
To rest in You alone.

  • Restless (Audrey Assad)

Still my heart. Hold me close.
Let me hear a still, small voice.
Let it grow. Let it rise
Into a shout, into a cry.

  • Carry You (Ruelle and Fleurie)

You are not alone.
I’ve been here the whole time singing you a song.
I will carry you.
I will carry you.

  • Satisfy (WorshipMob)

Come lay down your burdens,
And I’ll become your peace.
Hold onto My promise.
Let fear and striving cease.
Seek and you will find Me
Where faith and struggle meet.

  • Come As You Are (The New Respects)

I’ve been telling you for some time now,
“You’re not a burden,
Not weighing Me down.”
Fight the voice that says you’re on your own.
You don’t have to do this thing alone.

Want the whole playlist for your own heart? Sure thing!

Whether you fill up the angsty spaces with these songs or concoct a unique-to-you mix, it’s so important to jar thoughts away from spiraling downward. You really can fall apart in God’s backyard and believe the world will keep spinning because He’s never lost an ounce of control. Just rest as the bee-loved you are.

One thought on “Restful Lyrics

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  1. I love it!!!
    I did kinda chuckle when I read the lyrics of Restless, tho…
    That still small voice
    let it rise


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